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Benedict Jackson

Please help me help WATER AID. You can do this by either donating to WATER AID directly or by making a donation for which you will receive one or two Paradox One CDs and help support independent music. Why?

703 million people in the world do not have access to clean water. So far WATER AID has managed to provide 28.5 million with clean water – this shows the scale of the challenge.

1.5 billion people do not have access to what we would call a ‘proper’ toilet and many of these are shared.

Unsafe water, lack of sanitation and proper hygiene kills thousands and thousands of children.

Of course, governmental corruption, selfishness and greed means that these people, who have as much of a right to live a decent life as we do, suffer great hardship. So, if their own governments won’t help them, who will?

Payment for CDs can be made by using PAY PAL or by cheque. Thank you. See the CDs “The Scream” and “<air> <fire> <ice” in separate posts.

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