Ubermodo is a progressive /space rock group from Norfolk. The guitar has a touch of ANDY LATIMER of CAMEL, and MIKE OLDFIELD, and valid comparisons are made with more spacey groups like OZRIC TENTACLES, especially on the loops on final track ‘Behold! A Blade of Fire’. This is actually a one-man band, Tim Lane skilfully handling the guitar synths, organ and bass, and production, supported by Tim Dew’s driving drums.
Tim (Lane that is) says that he grew up listening to bands like ELP, GENESIS and YES -. you can hear the influence of Yes particularly towards the end of the track ‘Ice Dragons’ (subject matter - narwhals). He also recalls fondly albums by MIKE OLDFIELD and JEAN MICHEL-JARRE. So, “So Very Far from Home” is an all-instrumental album, the unison guitars giving a pleasing texture to the music. Sometimes SF/ Fantasy influences the music as on ‘The Bones of Eden’ (Clive Barker’s “Weaveworld” book).
Overall, the album makes for a very pleasant listen (or two or three!) with a lot of nice things going on, both nostalgically and looking to the future. To find out more please contact RICHARD PENGUIN PRESS & PROMOTION: mail@richardpenguin.co.uk.