What a title! From the Øresund Space Collective/ Dr Space stable, this release features one piece with a 30-minute core, which starts with a drone and swishing and bubbling synths, a distinct Dave Gilmour feel in the electric guitar, a steady drum groove effectively entering around the 4-minute mark. A sustained organ chord introduces a riff-based hypnotic passage of play. The bass signals a step change 15 minutes in, but the trippy vibe is constant with stereo separated choral effects, a repetitive synth line and cymbals leading to another phase demarcated again by a bass line on 20 minutes, and what I can only describe as a guitar ‘wig out’ follows: mind-blowing stuff! The core is bookended by two pieces of around six minutes each – the first has a ‘Phantom of the Opera’ like organ sound, swooshing synths emulating a wind that blows in some heavy bass, guitar and bass, culminating in an atmospheric groove in the style of early Pink Floyd. The second has a more clattering, free-form vibe with energetic blasts of sound, a nice contrast to what has gone before.
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