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Philip James Duncan Jackson


Phil Jackson was born in Dundee on 9 June 1954. He obtained an MA (Hons) Degree at Dundee University and postgraduate teaching qualifications at Dundee College of Education in 1977. He taught in various positions in Montrose, Blairgowrie, and Kirriemuir where he was appointed ASN Teacher in 1992. 


Phil was an active member of the Educational Institute of Scotland of which he is a Fellow and was elected National President in 2013-2014. He gained a qualification in Specific Learning Difficulties (Dyslexia) and when he retired from teaching in 2015 he worked as a Dyslexia Tutor.


During this time he wrote for various music magazines, mainly in Europe, including Acid Dragon (Lyon) from 1986. 


Phil released music under the name pArAdOx OnE, releasing four albums on Ohio guitarist Rick Ray's Neurosis label to positive reviews and much radio play.  


Phil's second passion is writing and his first book WITHIN YOU WITHOUT YOU was published in 2020. He is the co-founder of "7'' Publishing.


Benedict Connor Taylor Jackson 

Benedict C. T. Jackson was born in Dundee on 2 December 1997. He obtained an MA (Hons) Degree at Dundee University in English and Film Studies. Prior to that he studied Theatre and TV Production at Dundee and Angus College and North East Scotland College respectively.  


During his studies he developed a Doctor Who Website which is currently active and has attracted thousands of visitors. The website can be found at which is continually updated with new information and opinions.


Benedict became a fan of classic Doctor Who after watching DVDs of classic adventures at the age of 8, and continued his love of the programme when the series was revived in 2005. He has become a big collector of Doctor Who memorabilia and in recent years has published 2 episode guides on Doctor Who covering both the William Hartnell and Jon Pertwee Years. 


Aside from Doctor Who he is a voracious reader of sci-fi, crime, horror, fantasy, and action-thrillers, and is an avid watcher of Films covering everything from classic Hollywood to foreign films to anime in particular Hayao Miyazaki.  

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